Koh Phongan (Day 1)

Our trip from Bangkok to Koh Phangan included a flight, bus ride and ferry. During the trip we encountered travelers from all over making the same pilgrimage. We shared a meal in the airport with a recent California graduate working in Thailand with a nonprofit. It just so happened he was sitting next to Tyler and I on the plane. After exchanging stories from fraternity life at school John was a part of the group.

While on the bus to the ferry I caught a glimpse of the Donsak shoreline and instinctively let out an “Oh wow!”


The views during the ferry were equally as impressive.


The island welcomed us with “taxi” “taxi” taxi” being called. We found a suitable taxi and jumped in. But quickly left after a map indicated our resort was only 1km away. The taxi driver pleaded with us to stay but we decided to walk.


A 30 minute walk with a few stops to ask for directions brought us to our home for the next three nights.

The hotel offered motorbikes to rent. With motorbikes being such a large part of Thai culture it seemed like the authentic way to experience the island. We took our bikes to a Mexican restaurant which brought us back to neutral on our Thai culture scale. Our English waitress at the Mexican restaurant on an island in Thailand gave us insider information about a jungle party.

Exhausted from our travels we all decided to get some sleep before the party. We came close to sleeping through it but Julia made sure we were all awake.

The jungle party lived up to its name. We treaded through the jungle with a flashlight and fellow jungle partiers. The sound of electronic music guided us as we made our way deeper into the jungle. We reached a clearing flooded with light and a pulsing beat. We had made it to the jungle party.

We paid the entrance fee and entered the party. The night was spent dancing, meeting new people and watching fire dancers.


We finished the night eating burgers and watching the sunrise.

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